Digital Refugee Livelihoods

Digital Livelihoods studies online work, digital economies, and digital skills training among refugees living in cities. 

This project has been active since 2019 and explored the increasingly important role of digital economies for forcibly displaced people and populations who are affected by humanitarian crises. Led by Andreas Hackl, the project started with an ESRC funded New Investigator Grant and then also included consultancy research work with the Mastercard Foundation, the International Labour Organisation and the UN Refugee Agency.

Recent publications from this project include:

Hackl, A. and W. Najdi (2023). “Online work as humanitarian relief? The promise and limitations of digital livelihoods for Syrian refugees and Lebanese youth during times of crisis.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 0(0).

Hackl. A 2023. “Connecting without Protecting: Intermediating the Internet Economy in Digital Livelihoods Provision for Refugees.” Journal of Humanitarian Affairs 4(3): 13-21.

Easton-Calabria, E. and A. Hackl. 2023. “Refugees in the Digital Economy: The Future of Work among the Forcibly Displaced.” Journal of Humanitarian Affairs 4(3): 1-12.

Hackl, A. 2021. Digital refugee livelihoods and decent work: Towards inclusion in a fairer digital economy. International Labour Organization, Geneva. 

Hackl, A. 2021. Towards decent work for young refugees and host communities in the digital platform economy in Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Egypt, International Labour Organization, Geneva.

Rushworth, Philip, and Andreas Hackl. 2021. “Writing Code, Decoding Culture: Digital Skills and the Promise of a Fast Lane to Decent Work among Refugees and Migrants in Berlin.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.


An infographic displaying multiple sections titled "Preconditions + Enablers," "The 6 Layers of Exclusion," "The Digital Economy," and "Checklist for Fair Work." Each section contains text, charts, and diagrams, with the dominant colors being white and green.

Infographic titled "Preconditions + Enablers." Sections include "Rights and Norms," "Infrastructure and Hardware," "Digital Skill Trainings," and "Payment Mechanisms and Digital Identity." Icons and illustrations accompany each subsection. Background in shades of green and white.
Refugee work in the digital economy 1
An infographic titled "The 6 Layers of Exclusion" related to refugee work in the digital economy. It includes sections on skills, connectivity, workspace, financial and economic factors, laws and regulations, and social and cultural elements, with descriptive text and illustrations.
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A detailed infographic titled "Refugee Work in the Digital Economy" that explains various components of the digital economy. It includes sections on social impact platforms, e-commerce, ICT-related employment, and wider ecosystem impacts with descriptive text in each section.
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An infographic titled "Checklist for Fair Work" in the digital economy. It features multiple circular sections with text headers: "Working Conditions and Social Protection," "Level of Competition," "Fees and Commissions," "Sustainability," and "Level of Support.
Refugee work in the digital economy 4

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