The Centre’s mission is to unify technical and moral knowledge in new models of research, education, design and engagement that directly serve the goals of sustainable, just and ethical innovation. Its portfolio of activities, supported by an initial gift from the global investment firm Baillie Gifford, focuses upon the ethical implications of present and future advances in AI, machine learning and other data-driven technologies.
As part of the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) at The University of Edinburgh, the Centre supports EFI’s larger aim: to pursue and promote the participatory knowledge and critical understanding needed to support society’s navigation of complex futures. Our shared goal is to help people create and shape more resilient, sustainable and equitable forms of life. The Centre for Technomoral Futures is a home for developing more constructive modes of innovation: innovation that preserves and strengthens human ties and capabilities; that builds more accessible and just paths to public participation in the co-creation of our futures; and that reinvests the power of technology into the repair, maintenance and care of our communities and our planet.
“The Centre is brought to life within EFI’s community and unique physical space, as a living embodiment of our shared mission: uniting diverse knowledges and capabilities for the sake of meeting humanity’s future challenges.”
In focus
MSc Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Gain the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge of ethical design, use and governance of artificial intelligence and other data-intensive technologies in order to navigate complex systems and roles with transparency, fairness, and respect for individual and human rights, and social needs.