Technomoral Conversations: What the Majority World Can Teach Us about AI

In this Technomoral Conversations panel, we will hear from leading voices from the Majority World on what they have learned from and about AI, and the issues and visions they would like to see taken up.

Unco: LGBT+ Scots Glossar

A split image of two individuals: the first person is smiling and wearing a headpiece made of seashells, and the second person has curly hair and glasses with a neutral expression, standing outdoors with a blurred background.

Unco is a project to create a new Scots lexicon of LGBT+ words. These words are a proposal for how LGBT+ people can talk about themselves in Scots.

The Future of AI at School

A robot teacher leads a class of eight children sitting in elementary school desks, illustrating the concept of AI-powered education. Illustration uses a unified palette of neutral and turquoise colors, comprised of vector shapes over a dark gray background on a 16x9 artboard, and presented in isometric view.

This event will bring together key figures from the Scottish education landscape to talk about AI in schools and our education futures.

A Conversation about the Edinburgh Conversations

Black background with event text and historic photograph of the members of the Edinburgh Conversations from the 1980s

From their personal knowledge, our conversationalists will discuss the success of the original Edinburgh Conversations in the 1980s, and how in the context of the current global situation, the approach might be replicated.

Join us to challenge, create, and make change happen.
