Project Deep Dive: Justin Chun-ting Ho

Join the Centre for Data, Culture and Society for their first Project Deep Dive of the semester ‘Image and Text Analysis using Multi-modal Embeddings’ presented by Justin Chun-ting Ho.

24 January 2024
10:30am - 12:00pm
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Project Deep Dive: Justin Chun-ting Ho

24th January 2024 10:30 AM 12:00 PM GMT

While recent years witnessed an increasing use of computational text analysis in communications, the computational analysis of visual content remained a challenging task. Recent advancement in multi-modal embeddings offers promising solutions to conduct automated content analysis on images as well texts. Using an annotated dataset of green influencer posts on Instagram, this project presents and compares various inductive and deductive approaches to use pre-trained multi-modal embeddings for extracting theoretically relevant topics and frames from multi-modal content. 

Speaker Biography

Headshot of Justin Ho

Justin Chun-ting Ho is a postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. Before Amsterdam, he worked at Academia Sinica in Taipei and Sciences Po in Paris. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Edinburgh. His work focuses on nationalism, social media analysis, and computational methods. 


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