Research Projects & Awards

Building a Community of Early Career Researchers: AI Ethics & Society Doctoral Consortium 2022

SJ Bennett.
Research Associate, Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF, in collaboration with the Centre for Technomoral Futures

Building upon the success of the first Doctoral Colloquium, this project aims to bring together students researching the ethical and societal impacts of Artificial Intelligence, with mentors with domain expertise and experience in relevant research methods. As part of the event, attendees of the previous colloquium will facilitate a workshop discussing the opportunities and challenges of multidisciplinary working, and suggesting tools for collaborative research. There will also be a wellbeing session with the aim to equip new and existing students with tools to aid navigating psychological and logistical aspects of PhD life. Networking opportunities will be provided throughout, culminating in an evening drinks reception which both students and mentors are invited to attend. As attested by feedback from last years attendees, this event is important for fostering a sense of community amongst Edinburgh early career researchers in AI Ethics, an area which is distributed across different departments and schools.

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