Jackie Whittaker

Portfolio Manager
Engagement & Innovation
Headshot of Jackie Whittaker

Jackie Whittaker is the Edinburgh Futures Institute Portfolio Manager, taking responsibility for the strategic direction of the Institute’s executive education, continuing professional development (CPD) and open learning course portfolio. She is the main point of contact between the executive education delivery team and the Edinburgh Futures Institute in scaling up the Institute’s portfolio. She works closely with the Institute’s sector leads and engagement teams to analyse the Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) training/skills needs across the Institute’s target sectors, maximising collaboration.

Previously, a Senior Manager for leading business growth at Bangor University Business School, she brings with her a demonstrated history of promoting and delivering university leadership programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). She has a proven track record in developing business to business relationships with employers of all sectors. Jackie is an experienced business coach, skilled in negotiation, marketing, business planning and experiential learning. She has a marketing degree and MBA from UCLan.

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