Jennifer Williams

Creative Projects Manager
Culture & community
Headshot of Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams helps the Edinburgh Futures Institute by managing a portfolio of creative projects that connect the work of the Institute to communities within the University of Edinburgh and beyond its walls. Utopia Lab, for instance, is a project in which people from many different places gather to dream futures that inspire our experience of the present and allow us to see the world in new ways which enable change.

Jennifer is a poet and librettist and her background is in writing, art, collaboration, creative learning and project management. Williams is particularly interested in expanding dialogues across languages, perspectives and cultures and in poetry, cross-form work, music, visual art, dance, opera and theatre. She is concerned with the body, and how slowing down can help busy people to experience their connection to themselves, one another and the world more fully.

She holds a BA degree from Wellesley College in English Literature with a Studio Art minor, and an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow. Recent posts have included Projects & Engagement Coordinator at the Institute for Academic Development, Programme Manager at the Scottish Poetry Library and Literature Officer at the Traverse Theatre.

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