Lisa Otty

Director, Edinburgh Centre for Data, Culture & Society
Centres, Hubs, Projects & Networks
Lisa Otty

Lisa Otty leads the Centre for Data, Culture & Society, a specialist hub for data-driven and applied digital research methods across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. She is responsible for the strategic direction and operations of the Centre and oversees a wide portfolio of research support services, projects and activities including an extensive training and skills development programme and the Edinburgh Futures Institute Research Technology Support Service. As a part of the Edinburgh Futures Institute Senior Management Team, Lisa works to further the Institute’s operational and strategic development and objectives – through the Centre and more broadly – and supports innovation and co-creative work across the University of Edinburgh and beyond.

An accomplished project and service manager, Lisa’s career has seen her work across academic and professional contexts. She has extensive experience leading software development projects, running research services and facilitating innovation. She is passionate about ensuring that researchers in the arts and humanities are able to critically and creatively engage with digital methods, and has been working in the area of digital humanities for over a decade. Lisa previously held a lectureship in Digital Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, as well as several funded post-doctoral fellowships in the UK and US.

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