We respond to, and reflect on, the future/s of education through innovations in teaching and learning. We believe higher education has an important role to play in creating citizens who are equipped with interdisciplinary tools, creativity, and innovation that can help us face the challenges of the rapidly changing world, including advancements in AI, data and digital technologies.
Some articles originally published on the University of Edinburgh’s Teaching Matters blog ‘Showcasing Edinburgh Futures Institute’ series.
“Much of a university’s value lies in its ability to build coherent and compelling curricula based on research, expertise, and deep knowledge, and we need to understand and preserve the value of that while also accounting for rapid social, technological and planetary change…”
Prof. Sian Bayne, Co-Director of Education
The Future of Education: poetry
A collection of three powerful and evocative works of poetry, commissioned to accompany the Edinburgh Futures Conversations: Future of Education series exploring themes of crisis, AI and utopia.
Explore the collection
Toolkit for interdisciplinary learning and teaching
TILT is a toolkit for interdisciplinary learning and teaching. It offers a collection of ideas, methods and resources to support anyone interested in the possibilities of working across, and beyond, disciplines. Whether you are a university student, a secondary school teacher, a researcher in education, or a course designer, this site will help you develop interdisciplinary approaches and connect across boundaries with others working in this expanded field.

What is Interdisciplinarity?
Interdisciplinary learning and teaching have become increasingly popular across different levels of education. They suggest new ways of working and offer a number of benefits.
Go to resourceWorking with Challenges
Challenge-led learning is an approach to interdisciplinarity that often involves collaboration between academia and external stakeholders, including partnerships with industry and international organisations.
Go to resourceCollaboration
Collaboration is an important, and often essential, part of interdisciplinary learning and teaching; it can take various forms.
Go to resourceInterdisciplinary Methods
One of the challenges of interdisciplinary education is how to engage learners with the wide range of research methods available from across the disciplines.
Go to resourceAssessment Strategies
Interdisciplinary learning and teaching often challenge established models and offer alternative ways of knowing and responding to the world. This section addresses how assessment can be authentically aligned with these methods, approaches and activities.
Go to resourceEthical practice
Although Ethical Practice is offered as a distinct section within this toolkit, it informs all the other methods and approaches that are included.
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