Entangled Performing with Karen Christopher

This 3-hour workshop will generate material which will be performed by the workshop participants at the event Entanglements: Studies in falling, flowing, following.

6 November 2024
10am - 1pm
In-person event
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Entangled Performing with Karen Christopher

6th November 2024 10:00 AM 1:00 PM GMT


Karen Christopher is a collaborative performance maker and teacher, interested in artistic negotiation in the making process and finding non-traditional structures for working and composing material for live performance.

Through a series of assignments or tasks, workshop participants will be invited to explore and create in a space where creativity, activity and invention are themselves imagined as productive states. Group collaboration strategies will be employed to inspire individual breakthroughs. Performance is a mode of thought. Each time we make a live performance work we go through a learning process.

No prior performance experience is required, and a mix of abilities and interests is welcome. Curiosity around ideas of creativity and how to work with others is desired.

The 3-hour workshop will generate material which will be performed by the workshop participants at the event Entanglements: Studies in falling, flowing, following on Thursday November 7 at 6pm. Attendance at both times is required – We would ask that you arrive at EFI at 3.30pm on Thursday November 7, in advance of the 6pm event start time. Karen’s new ensemble project will also be presented at the event alongside the work of the Waterways Collective, Hannah Lavery (Edinburgh Makar) and Rhubaba Choir.


Headshot of Karen Christopher

Karen Christopher is a collaborative performance maker, performer and teacher. Her company, Haranczak/Navarre Performance Projects, is devoted to collaborative processes, listening for the unnoticed, the almost invisible, and the very quiet, paying attention as an act of social cooperation. Recent works engage with interconnectivity: the entanglement between people and of people with their environments, other living beings, and the vibrant matter with which we interact. She was a member of Chicago-based Goat Island performance group for 20 years until they disbanded in 2009. Karen is based in Faversham, Kent. http://www.karenchristopher.co.uk/

1 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh, EH3 9EF
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