Kii Nche Ndutsa (Time and the Seashell)

The film, an output of practice-based research, invites the audience to consider past, present and future of a changing landscape and vanishing biodiversity.

Telling Tales of Engagement: Poetic Expressions of Smart Donations with Oxfam

A digital billboard at night shows a vibrant advertisement featuring a person in a light green jacket against a bright pink and blue background. The text reads, "MY MONEY IS ON THE MOVE." The scene is reflected in glass in front of the billboard.

What does it mean to change the fundamentals of our 20th century economic model? How do we make our supply chains more sustainable? How will the practices and politics of distribution be changed by new digital technologies? The EPSRC funded OxChain project set out to explore how Blockchain technologies can be used to reshape value in a much broader and diversified way.

Signs and Gestures

A young person with long, blonde hair lies on a pillow, wearing a dark shirt. They appear to be looking off to the side in deep thought. The lighting has a blueish tint, giving the scene a calm and reflective mood.

Signs and Gestures is a film by Itandehui Jansen, which has received the Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Cambria Film Festival. It is the main output from practice-based research, which explored how inclusion of people with different abilities can be improved within film production, particularly for the hearing or visually impaired.


Yellow footsteps and arrows printed on wooden floor

CovidArcadia was a project supported by the Scottish Funding Council to document, map, and analyse responses to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions brought in by local businesses in Edinburgh.

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