Research cluster

Digital Cultural Heritage

The Digital Cultural Heritage cluster brings together researchers from across the University of Edinburgh who work on analysing, understanding and developing new approaches to the relationships between data, digital and cultural heritage.

“People from across the University of Edinburgh work on research and knowledge exchange relating to cultural heritage. The Digital Cultural Heritage cluster connects these people and celebrates work they do that engages with a very broad range of topics, concepts and technologies.”

Dr Andrea Kocsis and Dr Philippa Sheail, Digital Cultural Heritage Cluster Leads

The Digital Cultural Heritage cluster brings together researchers from across the University of Edinburgh who work on analysing, understanding and developing new approaches to the relationships between data, digital and cultural heritage.

Working with a wide range of partners in the gallery, library, archive and museum sector, cluster members are researching tangible and intangible cultural heritage as it relates to digital preservation, sharing and copyright, new audiences, organisational transformation, learning from collections, community engagement, tourism, curatorial practice, text mining, and geographical information systems.

Our research spans both local and global heritage contexts, and draws on a wide range of theoretical perspectives.

Meet our researchers Projects Updates & Events Get in touch

Image credit: Mols, Nick; Khan, Asad; Boyd, Mike. (2019). 55 George Square during Edinburgh Festival, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. Centre for Data Culture and Society.

Meet our researchers


Copyright, IP and access

Digital Documentation

Tourism and Heritage

Geospatial Data and Heritage

Digital Engagement, Learning and Participation

Working with Digital Archives and Collections

A woman with blonde hair is sitting in a bright pink chair. She is smiling and wearing a grey patterned jacket over a dark top, along with a turquoise necklace. The background is minimalist, featuring white walls and geometric structures.

Beatrice Alex

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor’s Fellow in Text Mining
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Clare Llewellyn headshot

Clare Llewellyn

Lecture in Governance, Technology and Data
School of Social and Political Science
Edward Hollis headshot

Edward Hollis

Professor of Interior Design
Edinburgh College of Art
James Loxley headshot

James Loxley

Professor of Early Modern Literature
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
John Harries headshot

John Harries

Senior Lecturer, Social Anthropology
School of Social and Political Science
Kristin Mojsiewicz headshot

Kristin Mojsiewicz

Senior Lecturer in Art
Edinburgh College of Art
Lisa Otty headshot

Lisa Otty

Head of Data-led Methods

Maureen Finn

Director of Centre for Nomadic Cultures and Education
Moray House School of Education and Sport
Moa Carlsson headshot

Moa Carlsson

Lecturer in Architectural Design
Edinburgh College of Art
Nathan Sydenham headshot

Nathan Sydenham

PhD Candidate
School of Social and Political Science
Nicole Anderson headshot

Nicole Anderson

PhD Candidate
School of Social and Political Science
Headshot of Patricia Erskine

Patricia Erskine

Head of Culture & Community
Edinburgh Futures Institute
Smita Kheria headshot

Smita Kheria

Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
School of Law
Stuart King headshot

Stuart King

Reader in Applied and Computational Mathematics
School of Mathematics
Will Lamb headshot

Will Lamb

Professor in Gaelic Ethnology and Linguistics
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Zoe Hollingworth headshot

Zoë Hollingworth

PhD Candidate
Edinburgh College of Art

Copyright, IP and access

We explore the complex legal, social, educational and design implications of emerging patterns of access, changing orientations to copyright, methods and ethical implications of attempts to control intellectual property, and the nature of digital openness in the cultural heritage sector.

Smita Kheria headshot

Smita Kheria

Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
School of Law

Digital Documentation

Digital documentation of cultural heritage is a site of significant innovation and technological change, as scanning technologies and methods become increasingly sophisticated and allow unprecedented forms of analysis of and access to heritage. Our research explores the uses and futures for these emerging technologies.

Will Lamb headshot

Will Lamb

Professor in Gaelic Ethnology and Linguistics
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Tourism and Heritage

Our research in this area explores the implications of the digital in shaping and changing the relationships between tourism and heritage, including navigating preservation of and access to cultural heritage, and the role of tourism in producing heritage.

A woman with blonde hair is sitting in a bright pink chair. She is smiling and wearing a grey patterned jacket over a dark top, along with a turquoise necklace. The background is minimalist, featuring white walls and geometric structures.

Beatrice Alex

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor’s Fellow in Text Mining
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Moa Carlsson headshot

Moa Carlsson

Lecturer in Architectural Design
Edinburgh College of Art

Geospatial Data and Heritage

We design, develop, investigate and find new uses for geospatial applications and datasets. Geospatial analysis of archives, texts and collections generates new research insights and public engagement opportunities in a wide range of heritage contexts.

A woman with blonde hair is sitting in a bright pink chair. She is smiling and wearing a grey patterned jacket over a dark top, along with a turquoise necklace. The background is minimalist, featuring white walls and geometric structures.

Beatrice Alex

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor’s Fellow in Text Mining
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Moa Carlsson headshot

Moa Carlsson

Lecturer in Architectural Design
Edinburgh College of Art

Digital Engagement, Learning and Participation

We research how people engage with digital and digitised cultural heritage; and how digital technologies and tools support new forms of learning, engagement and participation. Our work spans topics and approaches including crowdsourcing, public and participatory history, evaluation and engagement, community archiving and digital education.

Working with Digital Archives and Collections

We develop and use innovative methods for creating, analysing, searching, digitising, and combining archives and collections, including text mining, geoparsing, image recognition and other forms of knowledge discovery and creative uses of archives and collections as data. These methods help us better understand the past and shed light on present-day issues and questions.

A woman with blonde hair is sitting in a bright pink chair. She is smiling and wearing a grey patterned jacket over a dark top, along with a turquoise necklace. The background is minimalist, featuring white walls and geometric structures.

Beatrice Alex

Senior Lecturer and Chancellor’s Fellow in Text Mining
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Moa Carlsson headshot

Moa Carlsson

Lecturer in Architectural Design
Edinburgh College of Art
Will Lamb headshot

Will Lamb

Professor in Gaelic Ethnology and Linguistics
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures




Here are some of the projects that cluster members are working on – feel free to contact them for more information or to get involved.

A person is holding a smartphone with a reflection of a tall, narrow building, resembling a historic or architectural structure, visible on the screen. The person's fingers are poised to interact with the phone. The background is blurred.

Curious Edinburgh

A collage with a handwritten letter in Gaelic in the background, featuring two inset photos: one of a person reading a book and another of a person being interviewed or recorded with a microphone by another person. Both photos are in black and white.

Decoding Hidden Heritages

A collage of museum interior views features various exhibits and visitors. Displays include paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and other artifacts, all set against a wooden floor and well-lit gallery spaces. The collage is overlaid with a purple geometric pattern.

Enriching Exhibition Scholarship Project

Photograph of Charles Philips Trevelyan and Molly Trevelyan.

Finding her name in the archive

A digitally rendered image features stylized graphics overlaid on a background of ancient stone columns. Elements include the word "SASi" in a comic-style text bubble, a circuit board design, a film reel icon, and an illustration of farm silos and a barn.

Infrastructure Futures for Digital Cultural Heritage

A collage of various historical and cultural artifacts surrounds a central white space with the text "Towards a National Collection" next to a logo consisting of five yellow outlined rectangles stacked slightly behind each other.

Digital Footprints and Search Pathways: AHRC-funded project explores access to online cultural heritage

A handwritten text in Gaelic with English translations beside it. The text discusses someone speaking about a seam and a mouse being hidden near a wall. The translations and some corrections are written in red ink.

Gaelic Handwriting Recognition Project

A digital display in a dimly lit room showcases various classical instruments, including a prominent harpsichord, violins, a cello, and more, in floating glass panels. The background features large double doors and ornate wall sconces illuminating the scene.

Hearing History

An image titled "Living Histories of Sugar" shows a dock area with several boats moored and old industrial buildings in the background. A small, vintage-style illustration of a sugar barrel with workers on it is overlaid on the bottom right corner.

Living Histories of Sugar

A painting depicts two men standing beside a table with various scientific instruments, including a globe and a lute, against a green curtain backdrop. The man on the left wears elaborate clothing with a fur collar, while the man on the right is dressed more plainly.

Practical applications of IIIF as a building block towards a digital national collection

Illustrated image showing concerns about reusing 30-year-old data for health research. Text bubbles ask about consent, identifiability, and personal feelings towards re-interviews. Text includes "Reanimating Data," "December 2018," and mentions various worries from participants.

Reanimating Data: Experiments with people, places and data

Updates & Events

The image shows a book cover titled "Heritage and Nationalism: Understanding populism through big data" by Chiara Bonacchi. The cover features a split design with red on the top and dark blue at the bottom, set against a background of a teal world map.

New publication: Heritage and Nationalism

A person wearing a purple sweater and dark pants is working on constructing a rustic wooden fence in a green field. The fence is made of vertical posts and woven branches. In the background, rows of tall trees stand against a blue sky with scattered clouds.

DCH Cluster Member awarded prestigious Chancellor’s Fellowship

Upcoming events

Past events

Upcoming events and workshops will be posted here.

A landscape photo edited with geometric overlays in pink, teal, and green. The scene shows a grassy and rocky terrain with scattered trees. A part of the image is filtered with a pink hue, and another with a green hue, adding an abstract effect.

Grounded Speculation: Feeling into Digital Ruins

An image featuring an old map of a region in Africa on the left side, overlaid with an illustration of Victoria Falls surrounded by dense tropical vegetation and two birds flying in the sky on the right side. The background is a light green color with dotted accents.

David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels Manuscript: Digital Editing and the Literature of Victorian Exploration

Close-up of a blue eye on the right side of the image, set against a black background. Brightly colored stripes in blue and yellow cross diagonally across the image, forming a geometric pattern. Only part of the face is visible, focusing primarily on the eye.

Museums and AI: Imagining the AI We Want for Museums

A black-and-white photo of a woman in a checkered jacket is on the right. The left side features a grid with numerous lines and blocks in black and red, resembling redacted text documents. The background is gray with white dots surrounding both sections.

Curatorial Labour, Voice, & Legacy: Mary Dorothy George’s Catalogues

Two children with braided hair and headphones, wearing red and white uniforms, look at a tablet on display in a museum. Ancient pottery and artifacts are in the background. Colorful dots are scattered across the image.

Digital Cultural Heritage: Emotional Engagement, Storytelling & Co-creation

A pair of hands forming a triangle shape in the center of the image. To the left, a green globe icon with a folder. White and green dots are scattered diagonally across the black background.

Responsible Operations: Previewing a Community Research Agenda

An open music sheet book on a stand, with bright pink musical notes overlaid on top. In the background, a person with glasses is visible, seated at a table in a blurred library or study room setting.

Songs at the Interface: Community interactions with online collections

A grayscale image showing people at a table with open books and maps. One person is pointing to a place on a map, while another is reading from a book. A bright yellow location pin icon is superimposed on the left side of the image.

The Wicked Findings of the Witchfinder General: Using linked open data to put accused witches on the map

A brick wall is decorated with a horizontal string of various papers, flyers, and posters attached with clothespins. The top and bottom of the image are bordered with rows of yellow and pink dots, respectively.

Critical Archives Reading Group

Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network

We work closely with the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network, whose membership spans both the higher education and GLAM sectors. The network was launched in 2016, and is always open to new members.

We love to hear about projects and research related to our interests

If you’re interested in our work please get in touch.

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