The Centre for Future Infrastructure’s (CFI) mission is to deliver solutions for addressing the complex integrated challenges of climate change, sustainability, resilience and global population growth which lead to positive economic, societal and environmental outcomes. Whether it is in the design, planning, delivery or end of asset life, CFI supports and engages with the full life cycle of infrastructure involving the physical, social and digital fabric that underpins our world.

CFI brings together a wide range of diverse disciplines and key research experts from across the University of Edinburgh working with industry and public sector to support new innovative approaches and solutions. Our expertise can be integrated to support projects from engineering, business, geosciences, architecture, planning, social sciences, informatics, health, science, law and humanities.
Infrastructure is a keystone for cities, towns and communities both globally and locally, it enhances our quality of life, and allows us to live, to work, to trade, to travel and to communicate. The world is changing. Extreme weather events are more frequent, natural resources are diminishing, the potential for conflict to protect scarce resources is increasing, and our global economy has experienced unprecedented shocks. Stability is now more challenging to guarantee. Change is the new norm.
Understanding how our infrastructure supports our life-essentials during these times of constant change is a complex system-of-systems problem. It requires many knowledge sources, many skills and many perspectives. Multi-disciplined and inter-disciplinary teams, utilising data driven and evidence based approaches, are needed to address the challenges of building and maintaining infrastructure systems that are resilient, sustainable and adaptable. A world without well-functioning infrastructure is a world without an equitable future for all.
In focus

Gain skills and develop knowledge of our future infrastructure challenges and climate related adaptation and resilience requirements in order to influence and shape future infrastructure needs, policy, investments, planning, societal and environmental benefits.
Projects and Partnerships
Associated with Centre for Future Infrastructure
We work with a range of University of Edinburgh staff from various Schools and Research Institutes on CFI Research and Knowledge Exchange projects.
- Professor Lindsay Beevers
Chair of Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering - Professor Sole Garcia Ferrari
Personal Chair of Global Urbanism and Resilience, Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture - Professor Dan van der Horst
Chair in Energy, Environment & Society, School of Geosciences
- Professor Chris Dent
Chair of Industrial Mathematics, School of Mathematics - Professor Daniel Friedrich
Personal Chair of Energy Systems, School of Engineering - Professor Gordon Masterton
Chair in Future Infrastructure and Emeritus Professor, School of Engineering
- Jamie Brogan
Head of Climate Partnerships, Edinburgh Climate Change Institute - Dr Fred Bosche
Reader in Construction Informatics, School of Engineering - Dr Julio Bros-Williamson
Chancellor’s Fellow in Net Zero Buildings, School of Engineering